Lake Thunderbird Association Board of Director's Meeting Saturday,March 15,2025 9:00 AM

From: "Lake Thunderbird -Home Owners" <rhawkins@PROTECTED>
Subject: Lake Thunderbird Association Board of Director's Meeting Saturday,March 15,2025 9:00 AM
Date: March 13th 2025

Lake Thunderbird Association

Board Meeting Agenda

Saturday, March 15, 2024 at 9:00AM


  1. Pledge of Allegiance / Call to order
  2. Roll call / Establishment of a quorum
  3. Approval of agenda
  4. Comments by members regarding agenda items
  5. Approval of prior Board minutes:
    1. February 15, 2025
    2. January 18, 2025, closed session
    3. February 15, 2025, closed session
  6. Correspondence by Secretary – Eva Falzone
  7. Financial report – Chris Pope
    1. February 2025 financial reports
    2. Bills to approve
    3. Other financial updates
  8. President’s report – Paul Byrd
  9. Lake Manager’s report – Russ Hawkins
  10. Advisory Committees and Commissions
    1. Architectural Control (Bob Bittner)
    2. Bathroom Renovation (Rodger Vogel)
    3. Campground (Steve Glynn)
    4. Conservation (Steve Glynn)
    5. Deer Management Program (Rick Steele)
    6. Dog Park (Mary Dappen)
    7. Earth Day (Ann Annen)
    8. Events & Amenities (Chris Pope)
    9. Finance (Linda Brauer)
    10. Human Resource (Donna Naborowski)
    11. Newsletter (Diana Hale)
    12. Planning (Paul Byrd)
    13. Rules (Mary Crook)
    14. Security (Tom Pope)
    15. Tree Huggers (Rob Hickox)
    16. Water Safety (Bob Bittner)
  11. Resolutions by Board members
  12. Unfinished business
    1. None
  13. New business
    1. Maintenance:  Proposal to replace chlorine pump.
    2. Maintenance:  Proposal to repair 2017 truck transmission.
    3. Rules:  Presentation of Rules changes, to be voted on during April meeting.
    4. Finance:  Motion to distribute the tax on income to the commissions incurring the tax
    5. Finance:  Transfer funds from investments to Operating to support monthly operations
    6. Finance:  Transfer funds from Operating to General Administrative to support monthly Lake Manager approved expenditures
  14. Announcements
    1. Next regular LTA Board meeting April 19, 2025
    2. Announcements from Board members
    3. Announcements from membership
  15. Comments by membership
  16. Adjournment

The Board will move to closed session to discuss any legal or personnel matters.  There will then be a reconvening of open session for the Board to approve any decisions made during closed session.

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